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Steps To Follow When Choosing A Sealcoating Contractor


Sealcoating is simply the application of a liquid coating on an asphalt based pavement. The importance of this to your pavement is that it will help prolong the life of your asphalt pavement. What happens is that ultraviolet rays from the sun are shielded from the tar which binds the asphalt pavement. If not protected from the sun ultra-violet rays (U.V rays), then it becomes very brittle and can crack. The loss that owner can incur by not seal coating their pavement is way above the cost of applying the seal coat. It is in this regard that the choice of a right sealcoating contractor to maintain your asphalt pavement should be made.


There are some things that are of great concern when searching for sealcoat companies to seal coat your pavement. The reputation of the contractor must be outstanding. You must ask them where else they have ever worked. Also, inquire from the places where these contractors have worked whether they did a good job. Concentrate on the quality of the work and not only price. Avoid those contractors who try to attract you to hire their services by undercharging you. It is possible that these people offer poor quality services which make them charge low prices. As the saying goes cheap is expensive, massive costs may follow later if the seal coat not well applied.


It is also of importance to have a variety of contractors and consider their warranties. It is good to go for that contractor that offers the best warranty. It is crucial that in such cases you make an agreement with the contractor in writing to avoid wrangles in future. Ensure to have methods through which you can reach them in future in case anything goes wrong. The integrity of the contractor in question must be uncompromised. The contractor company must be insured which makes your work to be covered against damages in future.


Check to ascertain that the contractor has all that it takes to apply the seal coat. Cleaning the surface is important, and the contractor must have the resources to do so. Two layers of the coating should be used on the asphalt surface. These two are used to fill the voids on the pavement and also protect the surface from weathering. It is essential to ascertain that the seal coat the contractor is applying is of good quality. Poor quality seal coat can do more than good to your pavement.

The time required by the contractor to complete the work is also important when give deciding on which contractor to give the job. It applies in particular when the pavement is a driveway in business. The faster the work will be done, and the more efficient your business will be. Ensure the contracting company assures you that they can complete the work in quite good time. Also, a shorter working period can help you avoid weather risks as rain can damage the seal coat if applied when raining.

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